10 Great Eco-friendly 2022 Resolutions To Make A Change!

10 Great Eco-friendly 2022 Resolutions To Make A Change!

New year, new me? Well even though it sounds like a cliche for every new year’s resolution, the real question is: What changes do you want to make into your life in 2022, and are they eco-friendly?

Take a leap of faith into 2022, that you could turn into the year of eco-friendly resolutions. Knowing that you are making a difference to a cause much bigger than yourself is more likely to keep you motivated and to see your resolutions through. Where to start? There are many simple things you can do to make an eco-friendly difference, and we give the best 10 of them! 

Eco-Friendly Year



Eco-friendly Resolution #1: The Future Is Reusable

Yes, just like you probably already know, reusable alternatives to disposable ones are the present and future of an eco-friendly life change. Some great options include changing single-used plastic straws or utensils, looking for eco-friendly and sustainable toothpaste tablet and toothbrushes, swapping paper towels for cloth ones, grocery totes, or bags to avoid the plastic ones of the stores. 

Eco-friendly tools



Eco-friendly Resolution #2: Move Around Sustainably

The Centre for Climate and Energy Solutions, reports that transport accounts for 29% of world emissions. Instead of driving to work or school every day, try taking public transportation, carpooling, biking, or walking at least once a week. This gives planet earth a break from pollution and contamination even though it seems baby steps you are actually helping! 

Move Sustainably and eco-friendly



Eco-friendly Resolution #3: Second-Hand Is A New Chance!

Give things a second chance! And no, we are not talking about toxic exes… more like clothing and home decor. Look for secondhand items first before buying new ones. 

Shopping eco-friendly



Eco-friendly Resolution #4: Shop Local

Shopping local or at small eco-friendly businesses is a great way to reduce carbon emissions and grow your local economy.

Shop Local



Eco-friendly Resolution #5: Keep It Clean!

Using eco-friendly cleaning products from biodegradable degreasers to natural dish detergent is an amazing way to help the planet and also to get to know sustainable brands in this matter.

eco-friendly self care



Eco-friendly Resolution #6: Minimum Waste

Focusing on one area of your home is a great place to start. Work on minimizing plastic, and reducing your use of unnecessary items.

eco-friendly no waste



Eco-friendly Resolution #7: A Nature(al) Lover

Spend more time outside! This not only improves overall happiness, but it's also a reminder of why you're adopting these sustainable New Year's resolutions.

Nature Lover



Eco-friendly Resolution #8: Learning Is Caring…

Learn something new about the environment, sustainability, or climate change. There are thousands of online resources to help inform and educate. 

Learning about sustainability



Eco-friendly Resolution #9: Compost 

Start composting! This can be done in a variety of settings, including apartments and once you start composting is a good habit you will want to follow and preach.

Eco-friendly compost



Eco-friendly Resolution #10: Turn Off The Lights… 

Last but not least… This simple but impactful resolution can make a big difference for the planet and your wallet. Turning off the lights when you're not in the room is such an easy thing to do and impacts the amount of energy you are using in your home or office. Lighting typically accounts for 15% of an average households' energy bills. Reduce your bills with the flick of a switch.

Think Smart

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